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| About the Foundation |
| Mission Statement |
| The Foundation for Centripetal Art was formed in 2008 by Rafael Chodos and Junko Chodos, with a mission to promote the serious discussion of art in the United States and around the world. The Foundation’s activities include sponsoring lecture/discussion programs in venues where serious issues concerning contemporary art are discussed (see the Symposia page, and placing Junko’s art works in suitable public venues (see the Permanent Collections page).
This new concept of art and art’s role in society was born out of the lifelong spiritual and creative experience of the artist, Junko Chodos, whose corpus of over a thousand works, and whose writings, document her active engagement with these ideas. She coined the term “centripetal art” in 1998 and her definition of the term is found here.
For a fuller account of how Centripetal Art is a response to the developments of the last half of the twentieth century, and of its place in history, see the attached short paper, "What is Centripetal Art?" Click here to view attachment |
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| The members of our Advisory Board have honored us by agreeing to support us. Using their exceptional learning, talents and energies, they give us advice on our projects and help us with introductions to third parties who can advance our mission. In addition to having achieved success and professional recognition in their own fields, each of them is a deep, creative thinker who seeks -- as we do -- to think "outside the box." You can see these qualities in the essays which each of them and has contributed to GiottosLibrary.com. |
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Dr. J. Harold Ellens (United States), scholar, philosopher, prolific author (more than 200 published books), editor, and practicing psychotherapist. (Joined 2012)
Cedric Lejeune (France), computer systems expert, international media workflow consultant with a specialty in color theory, founder and principal of workflowers.net. (Joined 2012)
Saul Takahashi (Japan/Palestine), human rights lawyer, essayist, writer and editor, currently Deputy Head of the UN Human Rights Office in Ramallah. (Joined 2011) |
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